potential stocklist for 100g


New Member
Have done a tank before but it's been a long time and i'm ready to get back in. My first preference is to get a 100g corner hex tank(dimensions 36x36x24) but ive read that lateral swimming space is important. Does that mean that there are fish i could put a 100 gallon rectangle that wouldn't do as well in the corner hex?
stocklist im currently looking:
1 huma huma trigger
1 blue tang
1 flame angel
1 purple or yellow tang
maroon clown pair
1 hawaiian blue puffer
also, would my tank size be able to handle a juvenile of one of the larger angels such as a french/bluering/goldflake. that would be my preference over the flame. also, is my tank too small for a powder brown tang? i've done some research but have heard conflicting reports on all these questions. thanks


corner tanks are really great tanks in saltwater, 100g rectangle will be fine for them fish, im not sure about the rectangle,
large angel is a deffinate no in there, they need atleast 6' of swimming length, 36" is FAR to small, the humu humu and blue tang are probs too big too, altho the humu is a slow grower so will be ok for a couple of years. but not forever
if you want the large angels blue tang and humu humu to be set up untill they die, then you need to be looking into about 7'tanks, or 6' at the very least


Active Member
if those are the fish that you want, go with the rectangle. You are correct, the lateral swimming space is more important than gallons or height.
I know that corner tanks are beautiful, but they would only really be good for the types of animals you would put in any other 3 foot tank (clowns, dwarf angels, chromis, firefish, perhaps anthias, maybe a butterfly or two if not doing a reef, a mandarin, etc...).
If you were to go with the rectangle, you could definitely get a couple smaller tangs (be careful with purple and yellow together, they are from same family), a couple dwarf angels (perhaps one of the smaller species of large angels...but you don't want one of the bigger ones). The rest of your fish should be fine in the rectangle as well.
Also, if you are willing to spend the money on the goldflake, perhaps consider the lemonpeel/half-black hybrid dwarf angel, they are very pretty as well..
Hope some of that helps.


Active Member
Another point on hex or corner tanks: tall tanks result in a lot of unused swimming area, fish just don't spend time up and away from the LR. Also, the gas exchange is much more efficient in a rectangle, because of the greater surface area. Bottom line: you can keep more livestock in a long, short tank than a tall one of the same capacity. I think you'll find that aquascaping is easier and much more natural looking too.