Potential Tank List


Now that I have picked up my 55 gallon, I want to think about what I can put in it with my snowflake eel.
I saw a Yellowbelly Dogface Puffer on this site. Can I put that in a 55?
Would this be too much?
3 spot damsel ( the SFE's current roommate )
Puffer - recommendations if the yellowbelly won't work
Fu Man Chu Lionfish or Fuzzy Dwarf
Let me know what you think. I'll have time for lots of input as this tank will be a slow work over the next 2-3 months.


Active Member
Any of the dogface puffers will be too large for a 55. The smaller canthigaster sp. would work. Problem is that they can be nippy and lions are often bothered by them. The eel, damsel, small puffer and a hamlet would be decent, or skip the puff and go with the dwarf lion.


I figured as much. I actually have a valentini in my first tank. I tried to move it into the second tank that houses the eel and the damsel, but it didn't seem happy. I think that sounds kind of weird to say, but it was like it missed the rest of its buddies from the other tank. Then after about a week the damsel started to pick on it. So, I moved it back. It was the happiest little fish I think I've ever seen when it got back in the first tank. So, there it shall stay.
Maybe I'll just go with the lion, I don't know.
Thanks for the input.