potters angel has got something. please help


hello. my potters angel who i have had for about 4 months now in my 29 gallon tank has got something i cant identify. My camera is not the best and I cant get a good enough picture to show on here. Here is the best description I can come up with: One of his underside fins looks damaged and he has a patch between and slightly above his eyes that looks like a fungus to me. It is whitish and it has texture to it. I looked through the pictures at the top of this forum and if i can describe it at all it would be like he has brooklynella but only in that area on his "forehead." It doesn't look like HLLE from the pictures as far as i can tell. my water stays right at 80 degrees. My pH is 8.2, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are all at 0. he is in there with a yellow watchman goby and a false percula. none of them seem to be bothering him at all. he is eating well. i feed him either prime reef or angel formula and he picks at the rocks during the day i have been giving them some zooplankton and another vitamin thing with their food too. i have a wet dry filter and about 25lbs of live rock in the tank. 1 inch sandbed. the only thing that i can think of that wasnt right in my tank was flow for a while. my return pump broke and i had another one i put in there which pumped less which i left for a few weeks. i had a cyano outbreak though and just added a powerhead to get the flow back to where it should be. if there is anything i could answer to help please ask.
my lfs recommended a formalin dip but i dont want to hit him with it unless i get some good feedback on here. please let me know what you think it might be/ what i can do to get him back to health.


Staff member
Absolutely no formalin. It does sound like your fish has HLLE.
You need to vary that died, to include algae sheets. Feed smaller meals, 3x a day for now, with the addition of algae sheets. Offer one meaty meal with food soaked in zoecon, and another meaty meal soaked in fresh garlic juices.
Check out the info about HLLE and garlic feedings in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


Active Member
If it is HLLE also try to add some macroalgae to the diet....loaded with nutrition and vitamins.


thanks for your help. i went and bought some algea sheets and put some in the tank.
a few questions though, what should i usually be feeding these guys and how often? and what is a good meaty food? i have been feeding with prime reef and angel formula from ocean nutrition along with some formula one pellets. prime reef seems like the only meaty one out of the group. and i usually feed once every other day. how often/ how much should i feed and what is best for them? please let me know. thanks


bump. any ideas for good foods(meaty) i can make/buy from a lfs?
update on potters: he likes the algea sheets i put in there but the disease doesnt seem to be fading. still concentrated in his face. water still at the same parameters. let me know some good foods please. thanks for your help.


Originally Posted by enriqueb
bump. any ideas for good foods(meaty) i can make/buy from a lfs?
update on potters: he likes the algea sheets i put in there but the disease doesnt seem to be fading. still concentrated in his face. water still at the same parameters. let me know some good foods please. thanks for your help.
There is a frozen angel formula from Oceanic Nutrition. Frozen formula's one and two, Jullian Sprugs sea veggies, and Prime Reef are all good as well. Are you using vitamines? If not, you should start a rotation.