This was a very robust fish until 2 days ago. He was eating everything I gave him from frozen pygmy angel to tetra marine flakes. He had a lot of live rock with many nooks and caves whcih he actively explored. He continullay grazed off of the rock and glass for algae. I also fed dried spirulina.
Water parameters were pH 8.2 NO2=0 NO3=5, NH3=0.25(NH3appears to be background for the test since freshly prepared water is same). On Saturday he was less active but did eat and also began to fade in out of his vibrant coloring (light to normal and back). On sunday he was even less active but still ate and this morning he was in his cave on his side breathing heavy. There were no obvious skin disturbnces so I am guessing an internal parasite or gill problem. He also displayed rapid respiration on sunday and today.
We had him for 6 weeks.
We buried him today. Any thoughts on cause of symptoms. He ruled the tank over two much smaller damsels (mesa and nigrori)
Water parameters were pH 8.2 NO2=0 NO3=5, NH3=0.25(NH3appears to be background for the test since freshly prepared water is same). On Saturday he was less active but did eat and also began to fade in out of his vibrant coloring (light to normal and back). On sunday he was even less active but still ate and this morning he was in his cave on his side breathing heavy. There were no obvious skin disturbnces so I am guessing an internal parasite or gill problem. He also displayed rapid respiration on sunday and today.
We had him for 6 weeks.
We buried him today. Any thoughts on cause of symptoms. He ruled the tank over two much smaller damsels (mesa and nigrori)