Pouty Grey stars and stripes puffer


New Member
We are new to the fish tank world. And when we started we had a Stars and striped puffer along with a frog fish. (the pet store told us they would be great togather well nope they wernt my puffer ate the frog fishes arms off and killed him) ;( we have had the puffer for 3 weeks nowI just love him alot the tank is completley cycled and all perameters are in perfect ranges he has showed some signs of being down and kinda turning camo color green greyish he seems to hide under his rock or cave alot we just today added a damsel today to see if maybe he needed a buddy. he did this hiding thing last week too but the next day tooka big pooh and then was fine do they get this way if they eat to much? He also does this weird hick up thing too but more hides more then anything.
please any advise is appreciated.
Note: all perameters are great
30 gallon tank
puffer is about 3' big.