Powder blue disease?



I have a Powder blue tang in a 92 gallon oceanic Bowfront tank. The tang has been in the tank for 2-3 months with the other fish and doing fine. It's a fish only tank and the other inhabitants are:
yellow tang
flame hawk
bellus angel
fox face
niger trigger
lemon peel angel
I know it's stocked quite high...
I noticed what looked like ICK on his body today, but don't think it's ICK..looks like it, but more ressembles little white lint balls. sorta like his skin is kinda peeling.
I feed Romaine lettuce occasionally and soak their food in Kent Garlic Extreme and Zoecon
I have been concerned about the temp and Oxygen levels so I have a chiller on order....Tank runs at about 82.5 degrees and I would like to drop it to 77. Any advice you could provide..


82.5 temp is pretty high, the higher the temp, the less oxygen. I would reduce the temp to 78. There might not be enough oxygen in the tank at this point. Try to open the lid to let the heat out, it will cool down the water. About ICK, it can cause by stress, over feeding or overcrowded....


Active Member
Little white lint balls? Sounds more like a fungus. Maybe you could check out that possibility while you're waiting for the experts to chime in.


Does sort of sound like it could be an fungus or something similar. Do you have a way of checking your pH? If it's normal, oxygen is prob. fine. How is flow in the tank?
Do you have a glass cover on the tank (then a wood hood above)? If so, remove the glass cover to allow for heat and gas exchange.
The temperature is fine as long as it stays somewhat constant. 80 is prob a little better, but it's not unheard of for people to run tanks as high as 85, so you're not bad there.
If it continues to be a problem, might want to try and get the fish into quarantine/hospital tank. Might try hypo-salinity or a medication, but hopefully you'll get some more input from beth or terry on what to do when you get to that point. Obviously, you can't do anything of that sort until you decide to put the fish in quarantine or not.
Good luck with it.


Mike6263 -
do you have the male or female bellus angel?
what can you tell me about this fish??? there's only a few threads on this fish and not too much info. are they hardy? what do they eat? and how big do they get????