powder blue got ick


Active Member
i don't know what to do?
if hyposalinity will it kills my live rocks? there over 200 lbs. and with this ls list
snowflake 22"
lion fish 6" to 8"
clown trigger 3 "
niger trigger 5"
yellow tang 4" and 6"
powder blue tang 6"
maroon gold stripehclown 3 1/2 "
harlequin tusk 5"
lunare wrasse 5"
dragon wrasse 6"
porcupine puffer 5"
toby puffer 5"
2 hermit crab 1 1/2 "
on 4'wide x 3'depth x 30" high in wall tank
way too many livestocki know..
its hard to take them out plus its acrylic tank...i still have my old 120 gallon tank for qt but i dont know...but most of these fish are hardy except for the tangs...im thinking some chemicals that i used before supposed to be safe with inverts even though its(copper base) but all of my fish are doing fine for more than 3 weeks now and should i keep the temp high or low..... please help :help: :help: :help: :help:


feed him freshly minced garlic in his food. you can do hypo.. but i'm afraid you would have to tear apart the 200 lbs of LR .. take a look at the FAQ thread by beth


Active Member
i just found out the my uv pump was malfuntioning for a while..that it why my powder blue got ick and my not feeding him pellets for a week now.... so guess... but anyway can i used cupramine i think thats what is called..can i used it anyone?


Yeah.. you can but you will just lose 200lbs of your LIVE ROCK. Don't do it.. You should really just set up antoher tank for the powder blue. 200lbs of LR costs a LOT..... It's not worth it and once you dose copper in your tank it will never come out..


Active Member
Do reef safe proucts kill parasites? No, they do not....as the opnly KNOWN additive proven effective against ich is copper...which will also kill your inverts and damage your bio-filtration...not to mention the internal damage to fish. ANything contianing copper is not reef/invert safe. Even most of the so-called miracle cures can still cause damage to inverts and foul your water.
My UV stopped working is this why I had an ich outbrak? No, UV;s do little if anything in comabtting and preventing ich. They margianlly improve water quality. The window in which uv's are effective against ich is very small...or in most cases...does not even exist.
What causes ich outbreaks if present in the system?
Poor water quality
Stress (many contributors)
Poor diet
Constant temp fluctuations of great than two degrees
In reviewing you stock list...your system appears overstocked and will not be able to comfortably hold all those fish to adulthood. Also, many of the animals require six feet of swimming space. PB's for example, do not do well is "show" style set-ups that do not provide at lest 6 feet of swimming space. THese animals are open water swimmers that require space.
If you treat the display tank with hyposalinity you will damage/kill the inverts in the system....including the sandsifters that live in your substrate. You could remove the blue and treat with hyposalinity...but if it is ich it will remain in the display as you have plenty hosts avaiable for the cycle and future cycles to continue. Once the PB treatment is complete, placeing the animal back into a diseased system will probably lead to reinfection.
You would have to remove all the animals to another tank or tanks given the numebrs .....QT...treat with hyposlalinity, and let the main display run fallow for 5-6 weeks. Some recommend 4 weeks but IMO....6 is better.
Your second option is to do nothing as far as removal of the PB...elevate the temp...and feed the aniamls a diet with vitamin and garlic soaked food. The elevated temp helps speed up the ich cycle. You do need to have plenty water movement. IMO...the temp should not go above 84. A crap shoot that may or may not work. The idea here is to attempt to boost the animals immune system wile speeding up the cycle. . You also neeed to determine the enviornmental factors that may have contributed to the ich outbreak.
My guess if you have several contributors from the list I provided. I really beleive you need to thin the herd a little...or you will continue to experieince problems with disease. With 200 pounds of live rock..and only 4 feet of max swimming space...quarters are cramped IMO.
best of luck.


Active Member
thank you very much... i think my tank temp was droping significantly too 1 degree to 2 degrees per day. i don't used my heater thinking that the temp should be as low as possible 76 ... but 84 is better?. i'll try to raise slowly and i've been feeding them pellets again and spinach and lettuce.... i'm just going to ride this one out...because every body is still doing good for couple maybe three weeks now.. how long is the parasite cycle?