Powder Blue Groupers



I have a 220 gallon tank with lots of rock. Heres whats in it.
Powder Blue grouper - 10 inches
Picasso trigger - 3 inches
Zebra Moray- 24 inches
I would like some suggestions as to what else can co-exist with this grouper. I have tried a miniatus grouper equal size. didnt work. Im not sure how/why he and the tiny little trigger get along so great. He has swallowed him numerous times during feedings but always spits him back out.
I am dead set on keeping this grouper but i would like some more fish in the tank too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BigTankBigFish
I have a 220 gallon tank with lots of rock. Heres whats in it.
Powder Blue grouper - 10 inches
Picasso trigger - 3 inches
Zebra Moray- 24 inches
I would like some suggestions as to what else can co-exist with this grouper. I have tried a miniatus grouper equal size. didnt work. Im not sure how/why he and the tiny little trigger get along so great. He has swallowed him numerous times during feedings but always spits him back out.
I am dead set on keeping this grouper but i would like some more fish in the tank too.
Two groupers usually don't get long and the trigger fin may be keeping the trigger alive; but, he'd better grow quickly. The trigger is capable of erecting his trigger and choking this grouper, if the grouper hasn't learned his lesson yet.
You have lots of choices: larger wrasse (an Australian harlequin tusk is great), large puffer,larger angels, bigger triggers, larger tangs, etc, etc. But, what do YOU like? I'd post your choices and get opinions on compatibility. I would let others pick my clothes before my fish!


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Two groupers usually don't get long and the trigger fin may be keeping the trigger alive; but, he'd better grow quickly. The trigger is capable of erecting his trigger and choking this grouper, if the grouper hasn't learned his lesson yet.
You have lots of choices: larger wrasse (an Australian harlequin tusk is great), large puffer,larger angels, bigger triggers, larger tangs, etc, etc. But, what do YOU like? I'd post your choices and get opinions on compatibility. I would let others pick my clothes before my fish!
thanks for the reply. I believe you are correct about the the picasso using those trigger like fins on the top and bottom to stay alive.
as far as what I like, I like fish that all eat the same type of food so i dont have to buy a million different kinds. I feed whats in my tank a mixture of raw shrimp, squid, live feeders, and silversides. I've already owned nearly every species of trigger at one time or another so i'd like to try something new. What does that wrasse eat?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BigTankBigFish
thanks for the reply. I believe you are correct about the the picasso using those trigger like fins on the top and bottom to stay alive.
as far as what I like, I like fish that all eat the same type of food so i dont have to buy a million different kinds. I feed whats in my tank a mixture of raw shrimp, squid, live feeders, and silversides. I've already owned nearly every species of trigger at one time or another so i'd like to try something new. What does that wrasse eat?
Big Wrasses eat anything and everything, there are many big, bold wrasses to choose from, the Harlequin would be my favorite too, but I also have a Sunset and have had a Lunare that would work as well in your tank along with many others....Just make sure its a big one


Active Member
I would hesitate to add a tusk with a grouper, they are just too passive, and don't grow quick enough. I would consider another trigger, or a lunar wrasse, or a large puffer. anything with some size that can hold it's own.
How big is the grouper now? I am a grouper fan myself, but it is difficult to keep anything with them as they grow, they either kill their tank mates or our compete them for food in my experience.


Active Member
I believe he's referring to Epinephelus flavocoeruleus, the more common, common name is Blue and Yellow Grouper, as adults will gain some yellow coloring in their fins and what not...
I really don't want to mention their max size 34"!!
Very few fish can be housed with one for any amount of time. Large wrasses are a good choice for the time being.


after some thinking, I decided to rearrage my rock from a scattered mess strewn all around the bottom to a taller mess concentrated mainly on the back wall. I know have a wide open sea floor that streches 6' x 1'8".
I know i have tank space and capacity for say a blue dot ray. But will my grouper torture him and will my little trigger nip away at him?
One more question. In the event that a ray is compatible my substate is crushed coral, will this suffice or do i need to pour a heap of sand on top of it.?


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I believe he's referring to Epinephelus flavocoeruleus
, the more common, common name is Blue and Yellow Grouper, as adults will gain some yellow coloring in their fins and what not...
I really don't want to mention their max size 34"!!
Very few fish can be housed with one for any amount of time. Large wrasses are a good choice for the time being.
thanks for that info. scary though to think that since mine doesnt have any yellow he's still a juvenile and hes already eating human size portions (7-8) jumbo shrimp in one meal. 34" inches is just ridiculous. He also changes color to a black with light colored spots when he's threatened.(rarely)
any info on that stingray would be appreciated.