Powder Blue tand &....



My Powder Blue Tang and my yellow tang were fighting to much. So I traded the yellow tang in for a cleaner shrimp. What other fish could I put with the Powder Blue (3 inches) that is about the same size, that wont fight with the PBT? I have a reef tank, so it has to be reef safe!


Yeah, I was thinking maybe a flame angel. I would love to get a chevron tang, but that would be a pricey flip of the coin to see if they would get along. Any other fish??/////////


I added a PBT and my yellow went nuts on him for about 3 days, I kept the lights out for a couple of days ,the yellow accepted him, now theres no probs


New Member
BCarp, I just had the exact same experience. Have a 150 gal, thought I could have a YT and a PB together. Hah! The YT was adorable .....(looking) then I see him beating the #ell out of my PB.
Got so angry I turned my 5gal pail into an instant-QT so the little "devil" could sit their until he went back to LFS. Couldn't believe it, PB is about 5" and YT was only 3" and he still had a lot of nerve to pick fights all the time.
I have a dwarf angel and they do well together. he follows him around like a big brother;) But otherwise keeps to himself.
good luck!


Just be careful. Most advisories say to add a powder blue tang to a tank as the last fish. They are extremely territorial.


New Member
I know people have disagreed with me before but I wouldn't think adding a angel of any kind is reef safe, I havent been in the hobby for years and years but i've seen there not.


My PB is scared of its own shadow! I think he is still freaked out from me tearing my tank apart to get the yellow tang out! I am only going to put one more fish in and thats it. So I want to make sure it is a good pick! I am really leaning towards a flame angel. Anybody ever have any problems with a flame in a reef tank? Still looking for other suggestions on fish! Thanks!