Powder Blue Tang in Love with PJ spotted Cardinal fish


New Member
Amongst other fishes, I have a Powder Blue tang and 3 Pajama Spotted Cardinal Fishes, they have been together for about 2 weeks, and lately I have noticed my PB Tang will swim up to the Cardinal fish and be still, and the cardinal fish will occasionaly look like it is nibbling on the PB. Not nibbling like biting but sorta touching the PB. If the cardinal fish tries to swim away the PB will circle it, and be still again. The PB will be very slow and gentle, trying to get the cardinal fish to do something. He only does this to the same cardinal fish, not any of the others.
Anyone know what kind of behavior this is??
All fishes in the tank seem healthy, happy, eating, and I see no signs of disease.


Originally Posted by bannerboxer http:///forum/thread/381426/powder-blue-tang-in-love-with-pj-spotted-cardinal-fish#post_3322217
Amongst other fishes, I have a Powder Blue tang and 3 Pajama Spotted Cardinal Fishes, they have been together for about 2 weeks, and lately I have noticed my PB Tang will swim up to the Cardinal fish and be still, and the cardinal fish will occasionaly look like it is nibbling on the PB. Not nibbling like biting but sorta touching the PB. If the cardinal fish tries to swim away the PB will circle it, and be still again. The PB will be very slow and gentle, trying to get the cardinal fish to do something. He only does this to the same cardinal fish, not any of the others.
Anyone know what kind of behavior this is??
All fishes in the tank seem healthy, happy, eating, and I see no signs of disease.
It's territorial aggression and it will probably get worse.