Powder blue tang


New Member
I came home today and found my fire shrimp laying on his side dead
and I believe my powder blue tang is the culprit. Last night my wife was telling that the tang was attacking the fire shrimp and I assumed the tang was getting a cleaning from the shrimp. Then to my dismay the shrimp is dead. Has anyone heard of a Powder blue tang getting so aggressive that it would eat the legs and tentcles off a shrimp

I Really like that shrimp he was Brilliant in color and was fun to watch eat and clean the Tang. If these fish weren't so expensive I would put the Powder Blue Tang on Death Row.


I have never heard of a Powder Blue doing this however I witnessed my purple tang doing this same thing to my cleaner shrimp. I didnt believe it the first time but the second night I actually watched it kill a second cleaner shrimp and drag it around the tank by its legs. The purple tang went back to the store and I replaced it with a different one and it has been a model citizen.