powder blue tang

Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
soft skin makes then sensitive, open swimmers, broad diet, and they get HUGE.
Anyone else have anything to add?
Would you say that a 125 gallon is sufficient for them to be happy? I went to the Denver aquarium the other day and they had powder blue tangs everywhere, but didn't see any that were huge. Didn't even see any that I would necessarily call big even.
Also, what about aggressiveness? Are they fairly non-aggressive? I saw that swf.com said they don't like to be bullied... but do they bully?
I was thinking about doing a powder blue and a naso tang... Would they get along? I know they are similarly shaped, but the naso is so sweet, from what I have learned. What about with a blue hippo tang maybe? Just throwing out some of my ideas BEFORE I make any purchases :D I love all 3 of these tangs.
So basically can a hippo tang, a powder blue tang and a naso tang get along? They are all really sweet tangs. And the tank is 125 gallons. And I heard if you put 3 together they start schooling?

mr. limpid

Active Member
There is always a chance that fish wont get along. I have 135 with plenty of live rock and open swimming space. Plaining on having the same tangs in my tank right know have Naso and Hippo plan to add Powder blue as my second to last fish. If you place them in this order your chances are good they will get along. Good luck


New Member
I heard it's not a good idea to have more than one tang in your aquarium unless its a really big tank. They can get very territorial. I have had one in a 55 gallon for quite a while and it gets along fine, but from what i've heard I wouldnt want to introduce another one.