Powder Blue Tang?!?!?!?!?!?!


Been wanting to get one for awhile but I hear nothing but bad things about them. Only live for a month...water temp changes .5 degrees and they get ick...bunch of bad stuff. Any advice???? If you have one, how long have you had it??? How do you keep it happy??? What do you feed it??? Anything to make my decision easier.


Active Member
They are extemely delicate but very doable.You need a well established tank that is healthy and stable.Any sutle changes and he'll get sick.If you get one quarintene him first and moderate him closely.If you can here's how I did it.
I ordered one and had him held at the store.I left him there for about a week and a half.I was up there every day watching him.Making sure he was healthy and would eat.After I was satisfied and brought him home, I quarintene him for two weeks.He did get ich so I treated him,waited and then introduced him into my tank.He did fine but did get sick over and over again.It was a hassel and eventually he died.I'm not sure if this helps but it's the only on hand experiance I have.I know others with healthy powder blues and they are so pretty.If you do get one good luck!?!?


Active Member
One of my favorite fish. Have had mine for 2 years and doing well. He definately needs to be quarentined. If Ick developes treat with copper and make sure all is well. Like with many tangs must ensure you get a good specimen and is eating well before purchase. This is one fish I would not mail order. Nees to be in a stable environment(LFS) and heavily observed before bring home to quarentine. Needs lots of room and no other aggressive fish. He wants to be the king of the tank.