powder blue tang


Active Member
Welcome to SWF
No. They need a 125gal or bigger. How long have you had it up. Do you have anything in it yet. Please give more info.


Welcome to SWF watever91!!! mcbdz is correct, that fish will not do well in your sized tank. There are many kinds of fish that will work in there though. Have you cycled the tank yet?


New Member
i haven't cycled the tank yet but i just want to know wat kinds of fish im getting. i was thinking about a lawnmower blenny and a true percula clown. in the future i want a lei trigger, an emperor angelfish, a yellow longnosed butterfly, and a powerder blue tang. does all that sound good for a 55 gal (except the powder blue cuz we just talked about that)?


Active Member
Unfortunately no...the trigger, tangs, angel and butterfly, IMO, are not suitable for that tank size. Those fish would be more suitable for tanks, IMO, over 150g. The lawnmower and clown would be good choices.


New Member
so what fish should i look into that would be happy in my 55 gal? and let's keep in mind that it's a corner tank because apparntly it makes a difference.


ooh, i love the 54 corner tanks. the blenny and clown will be fine. a dwarf angel like a flame or bicolor would be a better choice for an angel. for the butterfly, a smaller species like a pearscale would work.


Active Member
Go to the fish button at the top left. You can surf through the fish and see lots of different fish. Clown, chromis, gobies, blennies, firefish are nice, cardinals, basslets(grammas), then there are lots of inverts. for a show fish a dwarf angel. you really have a lot to choose from just make sure you research it. Know how big it will get and what size tank it needs , food it eats and what you can keep with it before you purchase it. Don't let your LFS sell you something you haven't researched yet.


Yeah, and just because one website says 55g is okay, that is not always correct. I have found that quite a bit while researching fish. I have a 120g, and some fish say 90g minimum, and then some on here say no less than 150 or 180! So ask around and make a well informed decision before buying any fish.
Some of my smaller favorites:
Coral Beauty (angel)
Flame Angel
Banggai Cardinal
Pajama Cardinal
Mandarin Goby
Some wrasses...
Also note that the sizes listed on here are the size of the fish you are buying, not their potential size, so research that as well.