Powder Blue Tang


I have a FO tank and need some advice.
I want a Powder Blue Tang and I need to know your exp. on them.
I have a fo 65 gal tank with a
Mexican Saddleback wrass
Bi-Color Angel
Couple of damsels
They are all fairly small and the Powder Blue is pretty big. Not huge but I think he'd be considered a large fish.
I just didn't want to get one that needed more room and wouldn't be happy in a 65gal.
Some help please....
Thanks in advance.
Hi.. i am no expert but i have read that with tangs there size will vary but the smallest tank size i have seen is 75 gal min. i would look into a smaller fish . i have also read they like to have alot of room to swim . i hope i was alittle help you should look online on the upkeep and all :)