Powder Blue Tang?


This is by far my favorite looking fish I have seen to date. Granted I am realitvely new to the hobbby. My question is: I hear that they are succeptable to disease rather easily. Is this true? Is this not a fish to start out with? Also will the powder blue get along with a porcupine puffer and a pair of Maroon Clowns?


Active Member
Yes they can get sick very easily and not a good beginner fish because they aren't very hardy, also they need a lot of space, they are compatable with a puffer but you need a lot of space like a 100 gal if you want to keep those fish together. I would suggest starting out with something more hardy then you can upgrade to tangs. If you want to just keep a tang ( no puffer) then you will need 75 gal tank. You can start out with a powder blue but it will just be more difficult than starting out with something less expensive.


Put him in your long term goal. That way when you do(after getting alot of experiance first) get him you will have an amazing sense of acomplishment.
I have a gift at putting a good spin on things


Active Member
I have heard of people with a great deal of experience still have trouble with these fish.
Definitely not a beginner fish.


Thanks all for the replys. I guess I will just hold out on this fish. Though I love it sooooooo much..............