Powder Blue Zoo's!


Active Member
Pic of one of my powder blue zoos, the polyps are huge, almost 1/2, poder blue cener with aqua skirts....Loving these!....



Originally Posted by maxalmon
Take a trip to Keywest, head out to the shllows and look down
o_O Ive been to the Keys more times then I can count!! I have never seen any zoo's half as nice as those, dude. I live 1.5 hours away lol
Did you get those ones from the Keys?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
hows the frag tank coming? THESE ARE AWESOME!!!
I was just about to post updates, lots of growth......


Active Member
Maxalmon those powder blue zoos are awesome. Lately all I can find at the lfs are the dull looking ones that are almost all brown.