I have had a powder brown for about 4 years without any problems. In fact this is one of the most beautiful speciman I have ever seen. The tang is nearly 8 inches in length and is fat as can be. I feed a variety of foods such as nori, mysis shrimp, emerald entree, formula two, and use garlic periodically. I recently upgraded from a 90 to a 240 gallon reef which Is flourishing. Heres the problem, about a month before the upgrade I noticed some white spots on the pbt. I thought it was Ich and continued to increase the use of garlic mixed into the food. The pbt still has the spots today and they never get any better or worse. I haven't lost a fish to disease ever in my 5 years. I also have a hippo and yellow tang with 7 chromis and two clownfish. All perameters are great and other fish look flawless. Any suggestions to what it might be? Some of the spots look like little white tufts(very small)