Powder Brown??


What do you guys recommend? I have heard different things about them. Are they hardy fish? Is the powder blue better? Any info is appreciated.


They are one of the tougher tangs to keep and are not at all hardy. The only tang I'd say was close to hardy is the yellow. The powder brown markings are very vivid close up, but I think the powder blue is much better looking (just as hard to keep though). Be ready to battle ich if you get either one and buy plenty of nori (seadweed). Have you owned any saltwaterfish yet? I wouldnt pick a powder tang as a beginner fish.


well i have a powder brown aka white faced tang and mine is a champ. i have never once had ick or any problems with him at all. the thing is there are white faced tangs which are relatively hardy and then there are white cheek tangs, which are the ones with high mortality rates. both are considered the powder brown tang though. stores and online vendors will sell under both names so you need to look at the individual fish itself or the scientific name of the fish. look up powder brown tang on wetwebmedia and they will explain the differences.


Active Member
I would suggest that you also post in the "Fish Discussion" as this area is primarily for aggressive fish.


i had one and the key word here is had.They are beautifull fish but arent a hardy fish.IF your looking for color and hardynessi like triggers , lions eals groopers i only mention these because you listed in the agressive board.Tangs are genrally not the hardiest fish they are ich magnetts thatswhat happened to my powder brown in a established tank that didnt have ich for the longest time.Hopefully youll have better luck make sure you put fish in quarentine goodluck


Active Member
I'll have to tell you that the powder blue tang is the hardiest of all the tangs. It's got gorgeous colors and is agressive enough withstand any tankmates. I lost my powder blue tang about a year ago and replaced her with a powder brown and even tho she's a beauty, its nothing compared to a pbt...As for a yellow, i suggest you get 3 if you want the same effect in your tank. I'm going back to a pbt!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
I'll have to tell you that the powder blue tang is the hardiest of all the tangs. !
The hardiest???? I don't think I would go that far???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
The hardiest???? I don't think I would go that far???
Yellow is definaltey the hariest...if you can even call it that...all tangs are hard and must have a large tank.
--Tang Police


ThaNGbom: I'm not sure if you realize what hardy means. It means that the fish is easy to take care of/ low maintenance. Powder blues and browns are not hardy at all. The can die or get sick very easily.


If your looking for beauty I recommend a Naso and the Hippo. I have both in my 125 and they are gorgeous!


Active Member
Of course everone has their own opinion and some will even say otherwise, but from my own experience with an agressive tank, PBT's are the hardiest. The only problem I ever had with my tang is of course, ich, but that was cured rather eaSILY and quickly. I've tried other tangs and they've always gotten picked on. I've given away a coupla tangs because they weren't compatible, but my PBT fit right in. Yup, she's purty, tough and eats just about anything. Drop her in and feed her. That's about all I did so yes, hardy! Defenitly the easiest tang to keep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
ThaNGbom: I'm not sure if you realize what hardy means. It means that the fish is easy to take care of/ low maintenance. Powder blues and browns are not hardy at all. The can die or get sick very easily.
No offense, but maybe someone needs to take care of their tank better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
No offense, but maybe someone needs to take care of their tank better?

I think this is a bit unfair. If you have worked in an LFS or elsewhere you will see that many of these tangs die far more rapidly than due to water quality or other issues. They don't ship particularly well.
While there are exceptions to every rule, IME and listening to other people on this board, I wouldn't call a PBT a "hardy" tang. Now maybe yours is, and that is great and worth noting that they can do very well. It is actually a compliment that you have kept a good specimen in good health.
But overall I think people need to consider the experience of a number of hobbyists which is why these boards are great. Yours has done well, but that doesn't mean as a whole the group of fish should be considered hardy. This is true of many, many fish and other animals in this hobby. Some people can keep flowerpot corals no problem - but for most they die. Some people can keep Linckia stars without problem - even in smaller tanks - but most will die. Some people can easily keep moorish idols, but most will die. So its great that you have had no issues with your PBT, but I think it is always wise to be cautious in describing such fish. It can go with some more aggressive fish if it is well established and healthy...but many will have significant issues and that is worth being very wary of. I would feel much more comfortable recommending a naso, vlamingi, yellow, sailfin or purple to a large aggressive tank, over a PBT (blue or brown). JMO tho.


No offense was intended ThaNgBom. I am giving advice to someone who has never delt with powder tangs. I have kept mine with no problems. Just like my hippo tang, emperor angel, mandarin, and ribbon eel. All tough fish, so I think my tanks are fine.
I don't think giving advice based off of one experience is a good idea though. As a group powder tangs are considered difficult to keep. That is the point I was getting across to AGRSIV210.
Thanks for the back up ophiura. Your information is right on the mark.


Active Member
None taken gyz, I've just never had any problems with my PBT or know of too many people firsthand that's have had problems with them. Yellows however, seem to die left and right. That was my point. PBT just seem at least twice (prolly more) as hardy as yellows.


yes, but once again this is just your personal experience. The vast majority of hobbyists and experts say the exact opposite of you. Which is that powder tangs are difficult to keep and yellow tangs are the easiest tang.


Active Member
There are two species commonly sold as Powder Brown Tangs.
One is aka Whitecheek, has a small white spot under its eye and is not very hardy at all, most die withn a year.
The other, aka as the Whiteface, Has a larger white area that goes from under the eye to the mouth.
Both species look all most the same and even some LFS dont know the differance.
If you can get the Whiteface to live past the introdution stage as is the problem with all tangs/fish then its OK.


Here is my brand new Powder Brown (white face). He is about 4" long. He is my favorite fish! Sooooo much personality. I had my hand in the tank, taking the feeding clip out and instead of hiding like all the others, he came out and rubbed against my hand! I LOVE him!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Here is my brand new Powder Brown (white face). He is about 4" long. He is my favorite fish! Sooooo much personality. I had my hand in the tank, taking the feeding clip out and instead of hiding like all the others, he came out and rubbed against my hand! I LOVE him!!!

just to let you know, in case you didnt know this, tangs have scalpals on their tail fin, which can EASILY cut a finger off, so i woudltn suggets letting him rub your hand