powder brown?


can i add a powder brown tang if i already have a blonde naso? also, how are hardy are they in comparison to other tangs? are they ich magnets?


Originally Posted by peter1215
can i add a powder brown tang if i already have a blonde naso? also, how are hardy are they in comparison to other tangs? are they ich magnets?
What sized tank do you have? No fish is an "ich magnet" some are just more susceptible than others. If you quarantine him and be sure your tank if free of parasites ich will not be an issue. They are not as hardy as say, a YT. They suffer most during capture and shipping.


I have a 120 right now but i have a 210 coming in next week and was considering what fish i can add. do you think i should ad new fish right away before the old fish get accustomed to the new tank or wait unitl its settled in ?


Originally Posted by peter1215
I have a 120 right now but i have a 210 coming in next week and was considering what fish i can add. do you think i should ad new fish right away before the old fish get accustomed to the new tank or wait unitl its settled in ?
To cycle a 210 is going to be a month or two, then give them a couple of months to settle in and deal with any spikes. How much LR do you have?


I only have about 75 pounds of LR now. wouldnt the lr , sand and some of the old water prevent a full cycle in the new tank. Im selling the 120 after the 210 is set up. cant i just transfer all my fish afer i move all the lr and sand to the new tank?


:notsure: Not sure about that but I do think your new tank should be fully cycled even if it takes several months before adding your fish. The longer it stabablizes I think -- the better for your fish-especially tangs. Made that mistake with ours - rushed too fast - lost fish--waiting is better. :happyfish


Originally Posted by peter1215
but I'm moving all the sand and LR from the old tank . wouldnt that prevent a full cycle occur?
Yes and No. It is still going to cycle a little. You are stirring up the sand and moving the rocks. If you have any dead spots on the rocks (a lot of people do) that will kick some ammonia. The tank is also going to need time to settle. At least a week or two before you can put your stock in there. Are you seting up a qt for them? You can use a rubbermaid with a heater, filter, and powerhead. Put some rocks in there. You should start that now so it can be fully cycled before the move. I would definately wait at least 2 months before adding the tang. You will have some mature rock already in there, which is good, just give the tank some time to settle. Are you planning on adding more rock?


yes , definitely . Im ordering some next week. as for you suggestion for the rubbermaid Qt, I agree with the idea my only concerns is that these are not smal fish and Im afraid they'll get stressed in such small space. Maybe i should just set up the new tank and some water and lr from the old and let it sit there for a couple of weeks. the only problem with this is that we originally wanted the new stand to go where the old is now! you cant win ... anyway here's my current fish list:
queen angel - 5-6"
flame angel- 3"
french angel - 3"
niger triger- 3"
harlequiin tusk - 41/2"
longnose b/f -3"
naso tang- 4"
cleaner wrasse - 3"
now there is now way Im putting all these fish a rubbermaid bin for two weeks!! I would probably also get an amonia spike.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
how are hardy are they in comparison to other tangs
Be carefull when selecting this species and make sure you get the right one....
One is much more hardier than the other as far as tangs go.



which one is the hardier tang? hopfely its the lighter one (top pic) b/c thats the one i saw in my LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
.....(top pic) ....
Acanthurus japonicus aka, Goldrim ( gold trim meets at tail ), Whiteface ( larger white spot on face )
Bottom pic = Acanthurus nigricans
aka, Powder Brown ( gold trim does not meet at tail, Whitecheek ( smaller white spot on face ) , tail coloring is different. This fish IMO, is almost gauranteed not to survive long for most that try it.
The common names between these two species are often mixed up and confused and many hobbiest ( and even LFS ) dont even know that there are two very simular ones with such varieing survival rateings, so I thought I would put them out there.......again.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Achanthurus japonicus aka, Goldrim ( gold trim meets at tail ), Whiteface ( larger white spot on face )
Bottom pic = Achanthurus nigricans
aka, Powder Brown ( gold trim does not meet at tail, Whitecheek ( smaller white spot on face ) , tail coloring is different. This fish IMO, is almost gauranteed not to survive long for most that try it.
The common names between these two species are often mixed up and confused and many hobbiest ( and even LFS ) dont even know that there are two very simular ones with such varieing survival rateings, so I thought I would put them out there.......again.

LOL - I had a japonicus for almost 10 years that was sold to me as a powder brown tang. I was so happy with myself that I kept a PBT for so long. I'm still pretty happy that my gold rim lasted a long time.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Achanthurus japonicus aka, Goldrim ( gold trim meets at tail ), Whiteface ( larger white spot on face )
Bottom pic = Achanthurus nigricans
aka, Powder Brown ( gold trim does not meet at tail, Whitecheek ( smaller white spot on face ) , tail coloring is different. This fish IMO, is almost gauranteed not to survive long for most that try it.
The common names between these two species are often mixed up and confused and many hobbiest ( and even LFS ) dont even know that there are two very simular ones with such varieing survival rateings, so I thought I would put them out there.......again.

Dogstar is absolutely correct.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjml
Dogstar is absolutely correct.....

accept the less hardy nigricans not japanicus is referred to as the "gold rim" (despite the fact the japanicus has a more extensive gold rim). Japanicus referred to as "white face" since it has the larger white area while nigricans are reffered to as "white cheek" for the smaller white face area.
anywho the two dead give aways are the hardy one's white face markings runs from the eye to the mouth while nigricans just have a small patch under the eye and the even bigger dead give away is the hardy one has red markings in the dorsal fin and nigricans have none.
If you have high speed connect and time here's a nice quality video of my PB (the one you want) download it (its megaupload so it may take a few refreshes to say the least but its free for files up to 500mb so you'll work it out if you want to see it).


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Acanthurus japonicus aka, Goldrim ( gold trim meets at tail ), Whiteface ( larger white spot on face )
Bottom pic = Acanthurus nigricans
aka, Powder Brown ( gold trim does not meet at tail, Whitecheek ( smaller white spot on face ) , tail coloring is different. This fish IMO, is almost gauranteed not to survive long for most that try it.
The common names between these two species are often mixed up and confused and many hobbiest ( and even LFS ) dont even know that there are two very simular ones with such varieing survival rateings, so I thought I would put them out there.......again.

I'm confused, so does this website have the japonicus mislabled as a Powder Brown? The one for sale on this site looks like the bottom pic. If so, would it be compatible in a 180 with my yellow and a new Blue Hippo that I will order at the same time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by briandg
I'm confused, so does this website have the japonicus mislabled as a Powder Brown?
no the japanicus is the powder brown and the one you want:

gold rim sometimes mistakenly sold as a powder brown. less hardy the one you dont want (dispite the fact they have its care level as "easy". easy until they die):


I was getting ready to order and searched the threads first and wanted to make sure I purchased the right one.


i was just curious how you have all the angel fish in the same tank without fighting everyone you talk to says that you cant put them together.


Originally Posted by moose2020
i was just curious how you have all the angel fish in the same tank without fighting everyone you talk to says that you cant put them together.
Not sure if you were asking me. I'm referring to the Tangs in this thread, I have 1 coral beauty angel but no others.