Power Backup ?


I use a jump starter. They can power some 100 watts or something and only cost 50 or so. I have yet to use it though because i havent lost power for the year ive had the tank.


I have some APC batery backup units. They can run my tank for a few hours if hte power goes out. I have only had a need to use them once when the power went out for 4-5 hours. They are relitivy cheap and can be bought at just about any bestbuy compusa, ect. I tink it costed me about $150-$200 for a 2 hour run time with everything except the lights on.


APC 150 UPS. Should work for a few hours but I havn't had anything worse than a 5 min outage yet so it's untested and mainly just a brown out compensator, keeps my ballasts happy though.