power head in the fuge?


i have various types of macro algae that the LFS gave me when i was buying all my equipment and what not.
i also have maybe 1/16 of an inch of sand and a pound and half at least of rumble rock for the algae to root in.
now to the question...will adding a small power head to my fuge help reduce nitrite/trates? do they sell powerheads that small?
thanks in advance again!

salt life

Active Member
why would you think a powerhead will reduce your nitrites/nitrates? your macro algae will reduce your nitrates.
but to answer your question I have a koralia 1 in my fuge, probably not needed because all the flow that goes through my sump passes through the fuge but I have it blowing through the chaeto on the other side just for extra.


yeah because the water to me just like it is sitting still around the algae and then the flow is just grazing over the top where no algae is. i have pictures. but no computer right now to upload. sorry.
and 1/16th of sand for no particular reason just something i was told would help my algae root within the rumble rock and what not.