power head placement, please help!!


New Member
i have a 55 gallon and i have a maxi jet on one end of it, kinda pointing up to current the top of the water, i got another one tonite and put it on the other side of the tank, blowing the oposite way, this one however doesnt have the deflector on the end, just the hole where the water blows back out, i have it about 6 inches below the top just blowing straight across the tank, should i angle it to the top to move the top of the water l ike the other one or is it good like it is?:help: :help:


Active Member
you want your powerheads to meet up so that the wave action is not just head on try to make them collide together so that you get a random current in the tank.
our power head all hit in the middle of the tank and then roll of the glass to make for a very nice current in the tank. every corner of our tank seems to have a flow in a different direction.