power head placement


I have been tooling around with my power heads for months and have problems finding a happy medium between too strong and soft with the current. I have a standard 75. Any of you out there with this tank, could you please tell me the number, size and placement of your phs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

fish fry

Hey Zachary,
It is hard to have too much current, within reason of course.
IMHO I would have 3-4 powerheads. Somewhere in the range of 125-175 gallons per hour for the flow.
I used to try to place them out of site in the rear corners aimed towards the front center. I would also try to have one blowing across the front. Usually I like them low in the tank aimed upwards.
A couple questions for you though, What are you keeping in the tank. Fish "like" current, most corals "need" the current. If you are doing FO, you don't have to worry as much. Do you have a sump? If so the return can act like a powerhead.
Hope this helps
Fish Fry