I currently have 2 hydor koralia 3's on each end of my tank located about 3/4 of the way towards the top blowing down on a slight angle and my main return (1000 gph) skimming the top of my tank to help with oxygenation. I am looking to get more into SPS's and I know they require more flow. I am also looking to purchase a wave maker control all my power heads.
My question is, if I wanted to add more power heads where would I place them?? and would I get more hydor koralia 3's or back the additional heads down to 2's or 1's???? Also, any suggestions on a good wave maker controller??
Thanks.........pics of your current setup would be awsome!!!!!!!!!
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My question is, if I wanted to add more power heads where would I place them?? and would I get more hydor koralia 3's or back the additional heads down to 2's or 1's???? Also, any suggestions on a good wave maker controller??
Thanks.........pics of your current setup would be awsome!!!!!!!!!
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