power heads & skimmers


I hear a lot of people talking about power heads and I was wondering if I would need one for my 55 gal. My dual bio wheel filter seems to create a good current for the fish.
I am planning to get a protein skimmer, as suggested.
So my question is how much are these two pieces of equipment going to cost me and how soon will I need to get them, will my tank survive without them for awhile?
Any input would be appreciated.


Power heads and protein skimmers carry out different jobs.
A protein skimmer removes nutrients from your system thereby making it possible for you to keep more delicate fish. Some people would consider a protein skimmer as essential, whereas others would suggest more live rock and a deep sand bed. I suggest you read up some and try to get a feel for the amount of filtration needed.
A power head creates water movement which is essential if you want to keep corals. For me, I would never suggest buying corals but, if you must, than several power heads will be essential.
For now, if you have a low bioload, you probably don;t need either. If you have insufficient LR or LS, and you plan on getting delicate fish, then get a protein skimmer. If you want to get corals, then get a power head.
Neither would hurt if you added them.


I don't think the dual bio wheel filter create as much current as a powerhead but I could be wrong. The Prizm skimmer I bought costed me about $150 and the powerhead about $35. I think the powerhead is more important than the skimmer.
HTH :)


I’m not planning to add any corals any time soon, who knows maybe down the road, so I’ll probably hold off on the power head. The protein skimmer will be on my future shopping list.
Good to see another Canuck. Those prices you quoted are Canadian $?


Yup. It's in cdn$. Bought them off a cdn base saltwaterfish site so I don't have to pay for the currency difference. :) :)


I run a 55 Gallon - I have 90lbs of Live Rock in there, a Prizim Pro Skimmer which is real simple to set-up and use.
I am not keeping any corals atm but will start in about a month I am going to try some easier ones.
At anyrate you want to have good water movement in your tank to help prevent Algae....... If you low current spots in the tank you might end up with Hair Algae and I have found it can spread fast.
On my 55 Gal, I have my Dual Bio Wheels in the back left side of Tank, my Skimmer is on the back Right side of tank - I had Rio 1100 Powerhead but just switched to a Maxi-Jet 1200 this past week. I placed the Maxi-Jet on the left side of the tank blowing across the front.
Between the Skimmer and Bio Wheels creating a small current putting water in and the powerhead blowing across the front I have a pretty good current in the tank.
I'd get a Maxi-Jet 1200 or 1700 for the tank just to help with keeping Hair Algae down in the future.


I would suggest geting some powerheads. good current prevents cynobacteria. Secondly it would increase the waters ability to carry O2. See if there is a film on top of the water. If so get some powerheads to disrupt the surface. Power heads are relitivly cheep.


i agree with the benefits of powerheads, i don't think those filters bring in enough current. PH helps circulation which bring lots of oxygen in to your water, prevent detrius, waste, and unfinished foods from collecting on bed, and prevents unwanted algae, cyano growth. i don't think its just for the benefits of coral reefs (sorry i also agree that reefs should be kept in the sea... :)
in some cases PS is not as important as a PH when you have those mechanical filters...depends on what livestock you have in your tank i think. PH are as mentioned much cheaper than a good skimmer...i also recomment maxijets...


I agree with the other posters about the benifits of the powerheads. You will be the judge. Watch your substrate and see if you have any dead spots on it or lack of current in the water colum. The maxi jets are very well built and a good PH, I have the 1200's but I later learned that the 900's draw much less amps and I do like the thought of keeping my energy bill down. IMO you should have at least two, one breaking up the top water surface and one below to add current.