If you dont want magnets, get new suction cups. They need to be changed around every 6 months or so if you are having that problem. they sell them on aquarium sites for about 2.15 for 6
I had the same issue. Then my ph fell on a coral. So I made a solution out of acrylic. I bent a piece of scrap and put some holes. Then a zip tie to hold it place. I use this for my algae clip, PHs and even a removable frag holder.
Yea look who came out to munch on the algae.
Originally Posted by spunky http:///forum/post/2861369
anyone know where i can get the coated magnets ? I am having the same prob with my HOB skimmer pump
Look into magnetic holders for maxijets, seio, and the like. They run from 17/18 dollors and up depending on size and never again worry about sandstorms!