Power heads


I have a 55 gal tank with 2 hang on filters equipped. With the power head runnign I would think I have ample circulation in my tank. But on the top of my pwerhead there is a small hole in which I can place a hose to provide air to be pumped in with my power head. Do I need to run this extra oxygen? I would rather not since it fills my tank with air bubbles and impaires visibility. I am just begining my tank and I am desperatly awaiting the cycling process. Are there any tips any one can give to speed this process up? I have around 40 to 50 pounds of live rock and live sand and one of my filters has the bio wheels which are old and already bacteria filled. Do I need a protein skimmer? ANY TIPS WOULD BE WELCOME TO THIS BEGINNER TO THIS AMAZING HOBBY. Did I metion I feel privliged to be a part of this web group since everyone has been so nice to answer all of my postings. Thank You.


Active Member
if you have good enough circulation, you really do not need extra air, for circulation, agood rule of thumb for sw is 10 x's you gallonage per hour, combined between your pump(and powerheads), and make sure you have no dead spots, if you need more, add a small powerhead or 2
as for skimmers, they are great tools, and can help alot, however ther are some who don't use them, iam one,but as i said the can make your job much easier, but i personally would not add it until the cycle is complete
one thing that i would do is gethave about 80 to 90 lbs of lr, and cycling yourank, there isn't much you can do to speed it up, maybe ad some dead shrimp,(from the grocery store), if you haven't, this seems to help others, but all you can do is really ride it out,also how much sand do you have, 4 inches is a good depth IMO
HTH and welcome to a great addiction(the board and hobby both)


Don't interpret my opinion as "The Gospel", as I'm just a beginner also, but I'll take a stab at your questions anyway. 1.All the gurus on this site recomend a skimmer. 2.I don't think you need the extra bubbles (I don't have the airhose hooked up on mine). 3.Depending on the output of your powerhead, you might think about adding another one?? 4.Don't be in a hurry, just enjoy your live rock until you just can't stand it anymore. I have only 3 yellow tailed damsels in my tank, and to be honest I have more fun inspecting my LR than I do observing the fish. It seems like I find something new growing or crawling on my LR weekly :)
Hope my opinion helped and not confused you more.

kris walker

Active Member
Hey Lerch,
Many people report that bubbles irritate corals, so based on that, I would not recommend pumping the air into your powerhead. You do not need the extra oxygen if there is ample surface aggitation from the filters and powerhead.
For the cycling, it sounds to me like you won't get one. Is your liverock cured? If so, I doubt you will get any serious spikes of ammon or nitrite. If you really like spikes, you could get another 20 lbs of uncured liverock to add to the piles.
You do not need a protien skimmer to be successful, but I highly recommend one. They greatly help by removing organics before they can decay and produce ammonia.
good luck,