Power Heads


I was looking at Power Sweep power heads as a choice for my new 29 G reef tank. Two questions:
1. Any input regarding their quality?
2. What is a good G/hours rating to install in a 29 G tank?


Active Member
I've heard good and bad things. Most of the bad stuff concerned the sweeping mechanism quiting after a short period of time. I really like maxi-jets for their quality and reliability. For a 29, I'd recommend 3 powerheads. Put 1 near the bottom in the back and aimmit across the back of the tank behin your lr to prevent detrius from settling back there. I have my other two on opposing sides of the tank, 1 at the top blowing across the top of the tank towards the other side (my sps love this), and the 2nd one on the other side at the back, aimed towards the front of the tank. All of this creates cross-currents and the corals seem to really love it. Good luck.


Active Member
I have a few power sweeps in my 75, I need to add more, but I like them so far--no problems in 9-10 months. I believe you should have a 10X turn over rate, but depending on which model you buy the turnover rate differs. This is all I had ever used so I have no experience in others. HTH


I have one in my 30gal. No problems so far. I had posted the same question you did and received back mixed results. From what I gathered, you probably need to use the new filter that comes with them now, it may prevent the powerhead from getting clogged up and therefore not turning. You can get some pretty good deals online on the powersweep.
That's my 2 cents.


:help: I have a 35 gal hex and was trying to figure out how to position my powerheads. I have 2 powerheads and was thinkin gof putting one in the rightside top pointing dwn and to the back, and the other on the bottom left side back pointing up and to the front. Any advice and or opinions?