Originally Posted by prime311 http:///forum/post/2554490
Can anyone recommend a good power strip with at least 6 plugs to mount inside my stand?
Do you have a GFCI anywhere? If not, I recommend the GFCI powerstrip from Home Depot, costs about $30.00 or so, last I checked. JMO
No GFCI near the tank. I saw something on another thread about having to change the circuit breaker on your house if you get 1, is that true with this type?
No, its built right into the powercord itself. Can't remember who on here originally suggested this one, but if you do a thread search on GFCI you can probably find it.
just as an FYI to everyone, rumor is belkin has discontinued this item. I cant find it anywhere on the net including home depot's site. I did however buy one at the store recently.