Power Strip / Timer ? (Coralife vs Zilla)

I need to get a power strip / timer for my lighting system like the 'old' Coralife Dual Timer Strip. Coralife does not make them anymore, but it looks like they sold them off to a company called Zilla, but all the reviews I find on them are horrible! They looks exactly the same, just a different sticker with a different name. My question(s):
1) Does anyone own the Coralife version and have you had any problems with it?
2) Does anyone own the Zilla version and have you had any problems with it?
I have 2 of the coralife digital timers for my smaller tanks and they are 5+ years going strong. I can still find a few places selling the 'old' coralife version as they have not sold out, so I want to act fast if I need to. I know there is 'reef keeper light' but I need the 8 outlets and they can get expensive!


Active Member
I bought one of the Coralife and it one of the timers went out right away. Bought another -- same thing. IMO (for what it's worth) they are junk.


Active Member
I have a Corallife and honestly have had no problems with it. It is the digital kind. I have had it for 3 years with no problems.


New Member
I had two of the coralife dual power strips and the timer quit working on both of them in less than one month.
Hmmmm their digital ones seem good, but the analog ones seem to have issues. I am very surprised a company does not make a decnet affordable lighting timer, is it really that hard?!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Coralife and Zilla are made by the same exact company...
Yup! Just use individual timmers will make life a lot easier. Plus you if one timmer fails you will still produce some light within the tank. Imagine having to worry about that when taking a short vacation.
Thats right up there with my chiller, i fear it tripping my breaker and the tank over heating, so when I leave for 2-3 days I leave a window slightly open to help cool. I hae dual heaters so im less worried about them.


I've had issues with both. Go to Lowe's or Home Depot or even Best Buy and get yourself a power strip that is made to have excess room in between each outlet and then just buy the timers. It's not as cost effective, but when the timer goes dead on the Coralife while you're away on business, you'll be pissed.
and it will go dead sooner or later, they suck.