Power Sweep power head


Active Member
I put the power head in there last night. It worked - it also swept lots of "stuff" off my LR, clouding the water, nitrites are sky high, clowns are gasping. I'll do a water change tonight, hopefully clowns will still be ok. I took powerhead out, its going back today. I put normal PH back in.
I just should leave well enough alone.


It works good in the begining. Once it starts to get coraline growth on it, it will freeze in one spot. You must clean it constantly for it to work right. Mine stopped sweeping about 2 months after I put it in the tank. If you can return them and go with Maxi-Jets.

reef fool

Active Member
I had 2 different models. The bigger one (I think it was a 228) always froze up after 1 day. My smaller one (model 214) was better. IMO, group them in the Rio catagory though...Garbage! My Maxi-Jets are on a wavetimer and work excellent!


My power sweeps (228 by ZooMed) work fine you must clean them every week to make them work like they should. Remove the sponge and you have to clean the power head but all in all I really like mine. You just have to keep the debris from your tank out. Works great then. Down side they take up a lot of room and you can't go deep with them. /Anyone?:eek: