powerfull power compacts?

This is a revision to my previous post about power compacts and their effectivness vs. metal halides. For the record, my tank is 18 inches deep. I was going to get power compacts that were about 190 watts (two blue actinics and 2 daylights (i forget what kind)). That should be good for most corals and clams and anenomes. But what won't it support? and what kind of fish and crustaceans will hate the bright light? i wanted a flame angel, a few clowns (not sure what kind yet), some cleaner shrimp, pepermints, fire shrimp, hermit crabs, a small wrasse(i know it was compatible, but i forget the name), two watchman gobies or some mandarin gobies, and firefish. I don't know how many of each i'll get, but will these be ok?


Active Member
Sounds like a very long list. What size tank do you have?
As far as the lights. Most corals would so better under Halides. By that I mean stony corals. If you want to keep SPS you will need halides. Also, your clam selection would be limited.
The fish don't care what kind of lights you have.
yes, in know that is a very long list. all the things on my list are just things i'm considering. my tank is very small, only 46 gallons. i know i can't put near as many things as i listed.
i'm sorry, i'm not great with abbreviations. what are the "sps" you refered to that i couldn't keep. as for some corals i would like (this is also just what i'm considering, i will have to narrow down) green star polips, sebea anenome, gonipora (doubtfully as these are hard to keep), welsophilia(i think that name is way off) brain, maybe some mushrooms. i was wondering if fire scallops need light(i'm assuming so)? clams are secondary. I am a begginner to reef, so i'm making sure i'm planning everything out before hand. thank you for all your help.


Active Member
For the corals you named (with the exception of the flowerpot and clams) would probably be fine under Power compacts.
SPS are stonie corals. Commonly known as Small Polyped Stonies. Thes corals require intence lighting and excelent water conditions.
With a 46 with corals, you will be very limited in your fish selection.
Good Luck with the new tank.