Powerhead Adjustment Help


I was wondering how I should adjust my powerheads... Should there be air bubbles coming to the top of the water so the water is not so still. I have one on each end and its a 125g tank... Should they be aimming towards each other? And should the little arm that moves all the way forward or can be down... Be all the way pointing up? for the air? Dont fish like alot of water movement?I do have a spray bar and that was a choice of spray bar or straight flow for the water that runs back in as it filters... So the spray bar is in the middle of the tank and the powerheads are on each end.


I would avoid bubbles. That tends to cause a lot of foam, which is what you want in your skimmer, not in your tank. As for pointing them towards each other, that's what I like to do. If you have some active fish in there, it's real fun watching them fight the current ***)
Spray bars are good too, but again, don't put them too high or you'll wind up with bubbles in your tank. I would simply go hog wild with pointing the PH's in different directions, and see which ways look best. In one of my 75 freshs, I have 2 HOB's and 3 PH's. It took me about a week, but I was able to figure out a configuration that didn't leave a single dead zone in terms of water flow.