Powerhead advice


New Member
I've been lurking for about 6 weeks now - have had the 30 gal. (high) tank up and running with 15 lbs. lr, some snails, hermits and a tomatoe clown (the clown was added about two weeks ago). Ammonia and nitrite have consistently been zero. I'm running a Penguin 330 with bio wheels. I believe that I should be adding a powerhead and want some advice - is one sufficient for this size tank or should I get at least two and, if so, should I put them opposing each other. I'm concerned that stuff is settling on the bottom (not a lot), but think the powerhead would aid in the filtration process. Thank you.


I have two PH in my 20g, 1 pointed to the back of LR, 1 pointed to front and up, they are opposit to each other and work great.


Amy I would go with two and experiment until you find the placement that you like the best.
Good luck and welcome to the addiction, I mean boards! lol