powerhead necessary?


New Member
i'm starting a clownfish breeding tank - its a 25 gal tall, right now fitted with a protein skimmer, fliter, and heater. how necessary is a powerhead? obviously it would be better to have one, but i'd rather not spend the extra $$ if i don't have to. what do you all think?


Well-Known Member
a clownfish broodstock aquarium, eh? Well, you need a powerhead, a heater, a filter, a large protein skimmer and be prepared to do lots of water changes.
Have you read a book or anything on how to breed clownfishes before you are jumping in to this?
You will need to get four ceramic tiles and place them in an upside down pyramid shape. Clownfish are demersal spawners, meaning that the female will lay eggs on the surface of a rock and then the male will swim over, fertilize them, and them take care of them for the next 13 days until they hatch.
You will have to prepare some really good foods for them to eat. The more of a balanced diet they have the better. They need to be fed three times a day, very nutritious foods. Foods such as a mix of shrimp, crab, greens (nori and steamed brocalli, sp?) no more then 20% squid because it's too fat, and clam. You can put it all in a gelatin mixed with some selcon for extra vitamins.
It will take a while for your clowns to start breeding, but since there is nothing else to do in the tank but breed, they will eventually. I highly recommend using a fluidized bed filter, with a sump and refugium for any breeding operation, however since you only have one type of fish that you breed, I guess you can get by with it for now.
One word of warning however is that if you do not to water changes regularly, the nitrites will never ever go away and the nitrates will continuously build up. Always get excess food out of the tank.
If you need any more help with the grow out systems and larval rearing chambers, PM me.
I assume that if you are trying to get them to mate, you are also going to want to grow them out?


New Member
yeah - i believe i've done sufficient research into the topic. i've got all my other equipment i need - tanks, rotifers, etc.
i actually plan on getting the pair offered for sale on SWF.com. my LFS has some, but recently every time i've visited there i've seen dead fish in some of their tanks. sooo...i figure might as well get them here. i'll probably order them next week...probably....i'll try to keep somewhat of a record of my trials and tribulations. it seems like a difficult thing to get going (breeding), but amazing at the same time.