powerhead placement


New Member
I have a 29 gallon with about 25lbs of lr. I have 2 powerheads and am wondering what the best placement for them would be.


As Boomer says "Your tank - Your choice". The purpose is for circulation so both in rear center facing out / rear corners facing in / rear corners facing diagonally in / rear corners facing front... all up to you and what effect you want them to make - near same circulation everywhere / high/low areas. There is no real propper placement for them just what is pleasing to you. As I said the purpose of them is to circulate the water and wherever you decide on placing them in the tank - they'll do that.


I have a 29 gallon with 3 powerheads. Two of them on opposite sides and another facing towards the surface for agitation and oxygen transfer. I would put them on opposite sides and crisscross thier streams.


Active Member
I had a 30 long for awhile with two 402's. I had them on oppisite sides of each other. One on the bottom in the rear kinda angled up. The other in the front kinda angled down. Made for great water movement.