Powerhead Placement

reef dude

Currently I have 2 powerheads(295 gph) and there is one in the top corner at each end of the tank, blowing a few inches under from the surface, keeping it nice and free of all that "junk" that accumulates with no water flow. I just purchased a third PH(295 gph) that i do not know where to place it. I have a frogspawn that is on the LR that is NOT receiving much of a current. I would like to place my new PH so that it will flow towards my frogspawn/LR. Is there any general rule of how to place your PH's or do you just place them according to how your corals/LR are setup? I have seen many pictures of peoples tanks that place all of the PH's at the top of the tank but aim the flow straight down on the rocks. Wouldnt that eventually create a nice crater in the sand? i dont want my PH's to be pointing at the send right?
All suggestions/experiences are much welcomed!!!


Active Member
No don't point them at the sand. Try moving one down behind your rock wall then you can point it anyway you need to. You can point it at your coral if you want.


Active Member
Your set up is pretty right on - one at each opposing corner of the top of the tank. You should have one Power head (the one pointing toward your filter system) pointed at the surface to create "waves". The opposing one should be pointed a bit down at the rocks.
Your third PH should be placed about half way down the same side as either PH and point straight across the tank. This depends on your corals (some corals like intense water flow while others do not).
You should never place one behind your LR as this will disturb critters that like to hide from you and the current.


Active Member
Hi reef dude
The way I see it - there's no rules to where you place your powerheads.
Everyone likes what they like - and will tell you the "best" way to place them. Naturally this is because it's the manner in which they've chosen to locate powerheads and control tankwater circulation within their own tanks.
I can tell you a name brand powerhead, how many to get, what gph, where to mount them, point 2 at this angle at 45 degrees, one at the surface for agitation and 3 more pointed in another fashion.
Pretty meaningless in my opinion.
I'm not there to see the results - I'm not there to see any difference. I'm not there ~ so I can't say.
Funny thing - the only person that can tell you the best way is you.
Your tank is unique to you. There is no other exactly like it anywhere.
Experiment around with different placement - and you'll know when it's right.
Watch your sandbed.
Watch your creatures.
Watch for detritus.
Watch the water circulate.
Basically - Watch your tank.
You'll know what's best ;)


I have 55 gallon and i have one on the left side blowing from the back left to the front right and one on the back right blowing all across the back. I also have one blowing behind all of my rock and I think that is the most important one because it keeps detritus from collecting behind the rocks. I also have a frogspawn and I would not recommend having a whole lot of current on it. Mine has bloomed out the most right about in the middle of my tank so tha one of my power heads blows on it from halfway across the tank. When I put it in anything but a gentle current it seemed to shrivel up and hide. Trust me when a frogspawn blooms out they are beautiful, I hope you are as please with yours as I am with mine. Good luck.:D

reef dude

well right now i have the 2 PH's at each end of the tank up top. i put the third one on the same side as one of the first 2 PH's, except its up by the front panel of glass, not the back panel where the filter box hangs. right now my frogspawn seems to have a fairly strong breeze on him. I think i may try a different setup tomorow afternoon and see how that works.


Personally I totally agree with Broomer. I've got 3 PH's in my 45 and I've tried different locations watching to see what gives me the best results. Where I currently have them has provided the best current flow and thus far the best results. Which by the way isn't the configuration I would have thought!! :p