I was wondering how you position your powerheads? I have 2 rotating powerheads and 2 emperor 400's in a 55g. Do I want to place to powerheads high or low in the tank? Should they rotate up/down or side-side? Thanks in advance
i keep mine up top. i have one sweeping one in the one corner and one reg in the other. and 2 on the back wall. and a spraybar. the 2 on the back wall are pointing down. the others are pointing up. to break the water surface. just with the 2 in the corner were good. but im keeping sps and they need more flow. that y i got the 2 in the back.
make sure you have some flow breaking the water at the top of your tank to ensure proper oxygen entry into the water. i place one shooting across the back behind rocks, in front on sides, hell, i have powerheads everywhere, i love some goood flow!!!!
Hmmm jobob could you post pics of where you powerheads are place so I can get a better I can get a better idea because right now I just have one maxi-jet at the surface and one rotating powerhead on the opposite side. I also have a AquaClear 70 powerfilter and a Emperor 280 Bio-wheel. Both filters and on full blast which is I think 280 gph and 300 gph. Oh and my tank is 40 gallons.
In my 75 I have 6 mj 1200's. 2 are on ehte back ground lvl faceing each othere with PVC hooked those 2 ph together and drilled 1/4" holes to blow the current out through the back of the LR. I have another 2 hook on the back top of the tank each hooked up with PVC pipe running along the surface and down the front corner of the tank. I also drilled 1/4" holes in these but have them pointing towards th dead spots in my rock work and these 2 are hook ed up on a power strip wave maker. Then on both sides about 1/3 wat down the tank near the center I have 2 PH pointing right at each other and 1 is on all the time and the other is on the same power strip wave maker. When these 2 PH hits each other it makes a really nice current in the center of the tank and is fun to watch the fish a debry floating around.
well i dont have my cam here now. i will have them tomorrow. but thats just about how i have mine. one on each back corner pointing up and at the front of the tank. the 2 more on the back wall pointing down. towards each other. so if u got one in each corner and then two filters flowning towards the front. but mine are pointing down.
I've asked this question many times to myself in the past. Right now I have my PHs positioned right at the top of the tank to break surface tension, and that works great for keeping the surface cleaner and moving like crazy.
My question regarding this is that I have 37 gal deep, and should I put in another PH at the bottom, perhaps behind the rock. I will be very interested in finding out about this.
Lisa :happyfish
As long as you have total water movement, no standing water and surface agitation, you will be fine. If you plan on keeping anemones, you might want to place the sweeping PHs towards the top of your rockwork so when you get them, you will have a current type motion for them to bask in.
PVC with holes drilled in it at different directions. Sprays water all different ways to give good circulation. It is usually put on the return line from your sump/pump.
this may be a silly question but where do you guys get the water from for your ph. do you have submersables that you sit in the tank do you have hoses gettin the water from somewhere? im sorry but i need to know all i have is my tank sump and mag 9 return pump and i have no idea what strength ph's to get or where they will get there water from thanx.
Yes, the power-heads are submersible!
I have one in the bottom right corner flowing through the rocks. One in the bottom left corner flowing forward - bouncing off the front glass. One in the upper right corner pointing up and mostly forward (tilted a little right) to break the surface. Also, the Fluval blowing at the top and towards right, breaking the surface. And I'm thinking of adding one more to the right side middle!! (And this is just a 29G tank!) :happyfish