Powerhead question...


Ok, I know I've probably worn my welcome out with questions today. I swear this is the last one! Haha... :D
Well, I'm in the process of planning a 75 gallon reef. Question is: How many powerheads would you guys suggest for optimal water flow? I'm also planning on purchasing a RedSea WaveMaker in the near future. I've heard great things about these. Any comments? :)


If you're going to use powerheads, around 4-6 maxijet 900s or 1200s should allow alot of flexibility and go great with the wavemaker


Active Member
I would put a Maxi-Jet 900 in each of the 2 back corners of the tank to create current. In my tank, one powerhead shoots current out straight while the other sits slightly lower and shoots current at a slight downward angle.


I have 4 maxijet 1200s (goes with the wavemaker which I have also) across the back on my 180....and 3 on my 120... don't forget, not all corals like to be blasted!


I had 3 Maxijet 900 powerheads and the return pump hooked up to the RedSea wavemaker on my 75....worked pretty well. You can then hit the button on the wavemaker and the return pump and two powerheads will turn off for 1/2 hour when you feed the tank.


The red sea wavemaker is great especially if you have a lot of powerheads. What's great about it is that even if you think the powerheads are too powerful, the wavemaker will balance it out. Try experimenting with a number of powerheads until you and your corals are happy with it.