PowerHead Suggestions


I have a 20g long tank and I am wondering on powerheads. Should I get one or two powerheads? And what GPH should I get. I have been on the ol' fashioned airpump which has been doing the job for the last year and a half but I think it is time for a change. Thanks.
:) :mad: :D :confused: :) :D


do not get a large one or everything in your tank would be flattened !!. I use maxi jet 1200's and one pushes half the way across my 135. that is 295 gph personal suggestion is i would not go any larger than their 600. that one pushes 160 gph. that maybe still too strong.


Active Member
I have a Maxi Jet 1200 in a 55 gallon (48in)and it pushes almost all the way across the top. I use it kind of like a wave maker to absorb more oxygen into the tank.


Active Member
Some manufactures reccomend there pumps for certain sized tanks. look on the box for this information.
The ones I have have adjustable flow rates so you can lower or increase the power of the current as needed.