PowerHead/ water movement


I currently have a 125 reef and I am wanting to add more water movement by purchasing (2) Zoo Med Power Sweep powerheads. I currently have (2) Emperor 400s hanging off the back of the tank for circulation (no filters in them) along with a protein skimmer and I have a Power Sweep 214 hanging in the center of the back glass that circulates water from side to side. I am wanting to add a Power Sweep (powerhead) to each of the back corners to help circulate the water. Should I get 2 more Power Sweep 214 which is 160 GPH or should I get 2 of the Power Sweep 226 which are 270gph?? I dont want the flow to be too strong and rip the corals off the rocks but I want to make sure I have good circulation.


Active Member
Are those power sweeps flow adjustable? If so get the stronger ones. As your corals grow, you will need more flow.


You cant adjust the flow. The only thing you can adjust is the amount of air you add to the outflow and the direction of the water flow (i think it sweeps back and forth 90 degrees).


im guessing...
Emperor 400 = 400gph
Emperor 400 = 400gph
Powerhead = 150 gph ?
PowerSweep = 160 pgh
Protein skimmer = 150gph
SO I would say somewhere around 1260gph for a 125 gallon tank (which is low)


Active Member
I think that 15X turnover would be fine. Go with the bigger powersweeps. Since they are powersweeps it should keep the flow from blasting any specific area also.