
scopus tang

Active Member
Regardless of the type, generally speaking, one powerhead isn't going to produce sufficiently dispursed flow for a 55 gallon tank. That said, I personally prefer the hydor Koralia. The magnet attachment is far superior to the suction cups most other brands use ~ much better bang for your buck. If you want to spend more money, the SEIOs are also good.


+1 on the Hydor Koralia, but if you dont mind paying a little extra, the Tunze's are supposed to be excellent.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Regardless of the type, generally speaking, one powerhead isn't going to produce sufficiently dispursed flow for a 55 gallon tank. That said, I personally prefer the hydor Koralia. The magnet attachment is far superior to the suction cups most other brands use ~ much better bang for your buck. If you want to spend more money, the SEIOs are also good.
I've never used that type, but i can say from experience that rubber suction cups will corrode and fall apart in your tank. Mine are doing that right now (slowly but they are).
I too would suggest at LEAST two PH for your tank, but realistically 4. 4 individual power heads that add up to the same flow as one large one will create more flow overall in your tank b/c you can create random circulation.