powerheads...air bubbles or not???


I have 2 75 powerheads in my 32 gal tank and I was wondering if I should use the air bubbles or no. I know I cant use them both with air cause too many bubbles you cant see my fish. What are your opinions. I do connect the air tube once each week after cleaning is that enough. I do have a filtration system that will provide circulation.

mr . salty

Active Member
Air bubbles really only cause problems in a salt tank.They increase the evaporation,cause salt creep,cloud the water,and get salt buildup on your lid or lights.I say NO BUBBLES.Bubbles are for freshwater.


Thanks. I wouldn't want that to happen. I wasn't too sure. I know that the fish didn't like it and the anenomes either. This is good to know. Now I don't feel guilty for not using it and, I can sleep at night. LOL!!