Powerheads for 75 gal.


How many powerheads would I need for a 75 gal
with LR & LS. I want to eventually include the following in the tank.
2 Purple Firefish
5 Green Chromis
2 False Percula Clowns
1 Coral Beauty
2 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Peppermint shrimp


Active Member
i like to see at least 10 x's your gallonage per hour, and enough pumps to move all the water, you don;gt want any "dead spots" in your aquarium, in your case, i'd say 3 or 4 and a total combined out put of 750 gallons(can go as high as 20x in a reef with lots of rock, but at least 10x)


Active Member
you know, that sounds alot like what we started out wanting, now we have all but the cb(not yet), and some extra fish, we will get a cb and a koles tang later