
Is it necessary to keep the sponge filters on my 2 hagen 400 series power heads that i have in my 72 gallon tank with 55lbs live rock and 100 lbs of live sand and a wet dry trickle the LFS told me to put them on but besides being ugly i often see tanks with out them on it


Active Member
yeah, i used one for about 2 weeks, until i thougt they were unneccesary, then i removed it and it never returned, i do keep it, incase i start anothere tank, i can use it for start up but not for full time use
with a dsb and lr, you do not need them if you have a skimmer, but i would use powerheads for circulation
the hagens are good, because they have a grate over the bottom, to keep fish and such from getting sucked up in


Active Member
i didn't notice it earlier, but since you have 2, i would remove one now, and one in aweek or so, so as to not upset your system too much with removing al that bacteria at once