powerheads while cycling?


Hello, I am in the process of cycling my 29 gallon reef tank. I have about 2-5 in. live sand bed and about 40lbs of live rock (uncured). Currently I have set up and am using my protien skimmer, filter and 2 aqua clear powerheads. Should I be using my powerheads periodically throughout the day while cycling? If so, at what time schedule?


Active Member
I would use them all the time. They keep water flowing across the sand and prevent detrius buildup which can be poisonous.


Thanks alot. After cycle is finished should I move to a roating schedule to more simulate ocean currents, or keep them on all the time as before? Oh, they are on oppisite walls in the back. One on top and one on bottom...:joy:


Thanks alot. After cycle is finished should I move to a roating schedule to more simulate ocean currents, or keep them on all the time as before? Oh, they are on oppisite walls in the back. One on top and one on bottom...:joy:


Active Member
I have mine set so that they push water in a swirling motion. Basically the water swirls in a counter-clockwise motion. It would be better to set the powerheads to surge. Have them turn on and off intermitently. This causes random currents in the water which break up the surface better. :happyfish