

how many gphs do i need for a 58g i was thinking of getting two 212gph would this be enough? :confused:


Active Member
2 @ 212 gph would be sufficient with your emporer, however, if you go with corals cown the line, you may want a little more, but that is more than sufficeint for fish and lr only


it would be a FO and wear exactly would you place them my guess is on one side and let them flow across the tank


Active Member
if you do decide to use lr, blowing accross and behind it, if not anywhere you like pretty much, the key is to circulate the water,
either way: use your imagination, try it and see if you like the results, if not, move them, just look around and see if there is any where that the water may not be moving and try something else, it really isn't a science, and is easy to figure out, one thing, you may wish to try varied depths between the 2(one higher than the other)