

IMO not enough I would add atleast one more the goal is to elminate dead spots in the tank. or areas of the tank without any flow going through them.


Active Member
three rio 2500's would be too much at about 2346 gph..... what size and type of powerheads are they?


Powerhead is the part of the pump thats inside the tank and guides the current right? Because mine is too big for my 12g (not to thread jack but this thread is just about powerheads afterall) I was thinking about taking some of the links out of it and making it shorter. But then my coral platform I have set up will get blasted all the time. is there any way around this? would you recomend pointing both of the nozzles towards the front of the tank at a slight curve as to push the current across the front of the glass? That seems to be my only option. and if Im not talking about a powerhead, my bad. this site has the really crappy same picture for every one of them.


Active Member
the powerhead is the pump that is inside the tank. your thinking of the nozzle
you can point the nozzles at the front but you may want to point one to the front and one to the back, or both slighly upward and towards each other for a tank current that resemles an "8" on its side.

aztec reef

Active Member
i got 2 maxijets and a emperor 400 filter. the powerheads are aiming at front of glass 1 on each side while the emperor is right at the middle of tank.like a cascade


Originally Posted by arch scot
Is having three powerheads in a 55 galloon fish tank to much???
Depends on the GPH of the power heads and what is the purpose of your tank as well as it's set up (filtration methjod). Reef requires different flow than FOWLR and a HOT vs cannister with return makes difference. 2 or three can be fine placed correctly especially I think with a FOWLR.