

quick question here..is it better to have more small powerheads making current or a few bigger ones almost making waves"current interacting in areas" i have my drilled 90 right now and i want to start SPS in a few weeks..how much flow should i have? i just have my return pump and 2 big rios going but it seems to be stirring alot up from my sand and what not..thanks.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
More pumps = more heat .I have 40x turnover rate in my tank now ,and in the near future im bumping it up to 60x.Ill be using 2 modded MJ1200.You just have to figure out the placement of your power heads.I deflect mine off the front glass to get alot of random turbulent flow.


well i was running 2 huge powerheads on top of my return pump..i was moving like 2400 gph between them 3. if i turn off the smaller of the 3 its fine, so i am going to use a smaller one on that side like a 250 gph instead of 650 gph :) haha ill see how that goes...i can get 2 of the 250 gph should i try that and have them in other places so atleast its not all in one spot..if i have it hit the glass my sand goes EVERYWHERE and i cant see my fish..and it doesnt clear up.